ramornurtcon Admin replied

295 weeks ago

/angie/modulating?U29uIG9mIFRvciBmdWxsIG1vdmllIGluIGhpbmRpIGRvd25sb2FkaG5kbXMU29=inaccuracies&jolene=ZG93bmxvYWR8enE3TWpFM2ZId3hOVE0zTXpnME5qSXlmSHd5TWpVeGZId29UVTlPVTFSRlVpa2dSM1ZwYkdSM2IzSnJJRnRRYjNOMFhTQjdmUQ]Son Of Tor Full Movie In Hindi Download

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646f9e108c Carl Denham (returns to Tor's plateau ("Tor, King of Beasts" 1962) with a friend.
Carl Denham (played by Don Glut) returns to where he had found Tor ("Tor, King of Beasts" 1962) with a friend (played by Dick Andersen). Over the plateau, their plane is attacked by a Pteranodon. Denham uses a hand grenade to destroy the creature, with it falling from the sky into the waiting jaws of Gorgo. On landing, the two friends find themselves in a prehistoric world, full with life and wonderment. They decide to split up. Denham's friend gets menaced by Godzilla, then it battles the Ymir monster. The two beasts finally plunge off a cliff into water below. Denham encounters a giant white gorilla (Torro) who is trapped in quicksand. Denham manages to free Torro. A Styracosaurus threatens Denham, with the grateful Torro defeating Denham by killing the creature. Denham's friend finds himself in more trouble, this time with a Kronosaurus that has attacked the plane, with Denham's friend killing the monster using dynamite; before any damage is done to the plane. With a loud rumbling the volcano erupts. Prehistoric creatures including the Rhedosaurus and the Giant Behemoth fleelava streams down the volcanic slopes. The earth begins to split. Torro saves Denham's life by holding him out of the lava's path; but in doing so, forfeits his own life,he sinks into the steaming lava. Denham manages to reach the plane, and with his friend, they fly offTorro sinks beneath the lava.
SON OF TOR is Donald F. Glut's follow-up to his nifty little KING KONG homage, TOR, KING OF BEASTS. This one unsurprisingly takes SON OF KONGthe main inspiration and tells a briefer, more action packed tale. A couple of adventurers return to the mystical plateau of the first movie and find it chock full of warring stop motion dinosaurs. Even Godzilla makes an appearance here. It's silly but also fun for fans of amateur movies.
Son of Tor (1964) <br/><br/>*** (out of 4) <br/><br/>Sequel to TOR, KING OF BEASTS has adventurer Carl Denham (Don Glut) heading back to the jungles hoping to find another large gorilla. It doesn't take long for him to find the son of Tor but things naturally don't goplanned. Whereas the first film was a homage to KING KONG, it's pretty obvious where the homage is this time. SON OF KONG is a film I've always thought didn't get enough credit for its entertainment value but I think Glut has done it service in this 8-minute short. I really enjoyed this sequel much more than the original because this one here is just one great sequence after another. I really thought this was a major step up in terms of the filmmakingwellthe story. I thought the original movie ran a tad bit too long but that's not the case here because Glut keeps it to just 8-minutes and each one of those minutes has action, monsters and mayhem. I thought the fight between "Torro" and the Styracosaurus was extremely entertainingwas the finale with an erupting volcano. The volcano effects were extremely impressive and the way Glut edited everything together even managed to build up some nice suspense. Unlike some of Glut's previous films, this one here features some sound effectswelldialogue. Fans of KING KONG will certainly want to check this one out.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by ramornurtcon
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